Over 30 Years of Experience on Both Sides of the Justice System
Hard Fighting Litigator
Highly Respected in the Local Legal Community
Communicative, Accessible, Available 24/7
Same Day Appointments
Se Habla Español
Cases We Handle
Protection from a Former Prosecutor
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Crimes
- Misdemeanors & Felonies
- Property Crimes
- Sex Crimes
- Violent Crimes
- Weapons Offenses
Domestic Violence
Drug Crimes
Misdemeanors & Felonies
Property Crimes
Sex Crimes
Violent Crimes
Weapons Offenses

Case Dismissed Domestic Violence
Case Dismissed Brandishing a Knife
Case Dismissed Battery on a Correctional Officer, etc.
Case Dismissed Auto Theft and Drug Offenses
Case Dismissed Attempted Murder
Recent Case Results
Pursuing the Best Possible Outcome
- Domestic Violence
- Brandishing a Knife
- Battery on a Correctional Officer, etc.
- Auto Theft and Drug Offenses
- Attempted Murder